Cursive logo text "Edward Raft Retorikkonsult"

Develop your communication and rhetoric in depth.

Does your leadership convey confidence, clarity and authenticity that engages?

Do you build trust with customers through strategic rhetoric that speaks to their needs?

Do you create your presentations based on a rhetorical analysis that gives your message the greatest possible impact?

That's why our messages are not getting through and taking root.

  • We lack insight into the rhetorical situation

  • We lack clear rhetorical goals and objectives

  • We lack self-awareness in our non-verbal communication

Single acorn on dark background, detailed close-up of textured cap and smooth nut.

I train you and your organization in strategic rhetoric and authentic communication. So that you reach your goals and create lasting business relationships.

Edvard Raft

I have 17 years of experience as a rhetoric consultant. During these years I have trained, coached and educated 1000s of clients. Everything from the 80 highest executives at a Swedish government agency, to management teams in some of Sweden's largest infrastructure companies, to leaders, consultants and salespeople at some of the world's largest IT companies.

Those I meet have realized that communication is a challenge - it can create misunderstandings, reduce engagement and lead to lost business. Balancing the strategic side of rhetoric with your own authentic communication is an art that requires both insight and practice. That's where I come in. I give you the tools to communicate strategically, without compromising who you are. So that your messages not only get through, but are also received and grow into powerful ideas by your listeners.

Edvard Raft Rhetoric lectures on rhetoric, presentation techniques and storytelling

Selection of customers

Sweco logo with stylized design
Fujitsu logo with stylized infinity symbol above the letters.
Logo of Exclusive Networks with stylized "X" design.
Northmill logo with black text on white background
Danone logo with silhouette of child looking at star and text "One Planet. One Health."
Skandia logo with stylized text
Fortinet logo in black text on white background.
PE Teknik & Arkitektur logo with stylized letters and text on a black background.
Spotify logo in black text with a circular sound wave icon.
Zound Industries logo with globe icon
ATEA logo on a white background
Nutanix logo in black text

Courses & Workshops

From targeted practical courses in strategic rhetoric and authentic communication developed over 15 years, to unique workshops for management teams.

Courses and workshops in rhetoric. Children in hats standing near a large stone staircase with sunlight and shadows on the wall.

Individual coaching

Online and on-site coaching to help you find your unique qualities as a speaker, understand your biggest development areas and reach your communication goals.

Individual rhetoric coaching. Authentic communication. Vintage Volkswagen Beetle parked in front of a yellow wall with wooden doors.

Take five minutes to answer a few simple, reflective questions about your rhetorical skills. You will soon receive a personalized email with concrete suggestions, based on your answers, to help you quickly develop your rhetoric and communication. You will also learn what you should focus on in your training.

What is your speaker profile?

And your main areas of development?

Inspiring lectures

With humor, presence and warmth, we are inspired to take our rhetoric and communication to the next level with the help of self-insight, rhetorical tools, storytelling and non-verbal communication.

Edvard Raft Rhetoric lecturing. Man giving a presentation with microphone and remote control in hand, standing in front of a projected image.


"We wanted to change the organization's relationship and perception of our business support by developing and strengthening the communication and rhetorical skills of the management team."

This program was aimed at one of Sweden's largest infrastructure companies and lasted 3 months. We started in a workshop followed by 5 individual online coaching sessions for the entire management team and then ended in a final workshop.

Rhetoric and communication workshops for management teams. Man writing on a glass board with blue chips in an office environment.

Do you have an upcoming presentation that just has to 'sit'?

Book a practical rhetoric coaching session online today and we'll ensure you reach your communication goals.

  • Analyze and develop your rhetorical situation, purpose, objective and main idea

  • Ensuring structure and storytelling

  • Gain insight and feedback on performance and your non-verbal communication

Courses in rhetoric. People sitting with notebooks in a classroom or seminar.
Rhetoric and video presentation courses for CEOs and CXOs. Camera filming an interview in a library environment with blurred background.

Report presentations via video for CXO

Through a combination of rhetoric and direction, we train your CXOs to make report presentations via video that not only inform, but also engage and move.

  • "Your ability to foster a deep connection and evoke genuine emotions among the participants was truly inspiring. Thank you for an invaluable and transformative experience that we will be remembering for a while!"

  • "One of the best trainings I have had if not the best, incredibly interesting and looking forward to the follow-up of this. So just a big THANK YOU"

  • "The external speaker - Edvard Raft - was super inspiring!"

  • "A world of answers that I could barely ask the question to get the answers. Eye-opener! Thank you!"

  • "Edvard Raft was very good and I think we all need him to level up in our customer interactions."

  • "We need to have a better presos around our offerings. It is too messy and listening to Edvard Raft it became more obvious."

  • "My work is very much about making the environment understand complex contexts, how I succeed in my missions depends on the environment understanding what I convey. This training gave me tools that I directly benefit from in my daily work and the lessons learned give me the opportunity to improve. Highly recommended!"

  • "A well-balanced training between practice and theory that provides immediate tools to perform better, already the day after the training."

  • "This is one of the best courses I have taken from the perspective of self-development. It provided enormous insights into my own behavior both as a speaker and a leader, which I will benefit greatly from in my future professional role, as well as privately."

Take the first step

Send me a message and I will get back to you shortly.

Online rhetoric coaching

Start 2025

The individual coaching is based on developed models for Strategic Rhetoric and Authentic Communication and is based on three parts.

The foundations of coaching

  • Deepen understanding and insight into their current situation, desired situation and the way to get there.

  • We work with clear rhetorical models to create effective, persuasive and confidence-building rhetoric.

  • Practical exercises and individual feedback.

Book your individual rhetoric coaching today.

  • 1 session

    Self-reflective speaker profile

    Analysis of rhetorical situation

    1x1h online coaching session with feedback on structure, content and delivery

    Rhetorical workbook (pdf/epub)

    Follow-up reconciliation

    2 900 kr

  • 2 sessions

    Self-reflective speaker profile

    Analysis of rhetorical situation

    2x1h online coaching sessions with feedback on structure, content and delivery

    Rhetorical workbook (pdf/epub)

    Follow-up reconciliation

    5 500 kr

  • 3 sessions

    Self-reflective speaker profile

    Analysis of rhetorical situation

    3x1h online coaching sessions with feedback on structure, content and delivery

    Rhetorical workbook (pdf/epub)

    Follow-up reconciliation

    7 500 kr

Strategic rhetoric

Stepping up to communicate and present without first looking at your rhetorical situation, your rhetorical purpose and your communicative goals, is like traveling without knowing where you are or where you are going. It might be great. But you will probably not get where you are going.

To succeed in your communication, whether internal or external, both organization and individual need to have insight into your strategic rhetoric.

  • "If we can only allow ourselves to be authentic in our expression and genuine with our messages, then the listener would experience the clarity and lucidity that really resides there."

    Edvard Raft

  • "Authenticity cant be pursued, only embodied."

    Gabor Maté

  • "An idea that is fully formed. Fully understood, that sticks."


Authentic communication

Authenticity has become a concept that is thrown around more than it is manifested. Truly finding one's voice, both verbally and non-verbally takes time. But when we do, it resonates in both our personal and professional relationships.

Authenticity from the 'stage', or the corner of the conference table, is as much about what we say, how we say it, as what we don't say

Book a course or lecture for your team. It's the start of a journey of change that never ends.


Take the first step towards your full potential as a speaker, communicator and storyteller.